Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Liebster Blog

So I'm pretty stoked that my friend Kassandra nominated me for this award.  I think it's pretty cool and well I'm definitely a small blog... with only 4 followers (which is ok, I think this is all pretty fun!)

It is said that the Liebster Blog Award started in Germany (probably) and is used to highlight smaller blogs that are less known. Blogs of less than 300 followers.

It is a blog that you accept with the intention of paying it forward. When you accept the award, you choose 3-5 other blogs that you feel are deserving of more subscribers and pass the award on to them.

You are not obligated to accept the award or to even pay it forward. I like to do this because it helps get the word out about other blogs that you might not have ever heard of. As I assume many of you do, I find blogs I want to follow by seeing them on the followers list on blogs I already follow. 

I am choosing to pass this award on to 3 other blogs that I frequent often. I love reading this blogs.  You'll notice 2 of them are beauty related and one is not (it is well worth the read and tells a very touching story) so here they are! 

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