Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Renpure Organics

A few weeks ago while I was at Kroger grocery shopping I decided to make a trip down the health and beauty aisle.  I know, I know big shock right?  Well anyway I happened to find this shampoo and conditioner at one heck of a deal so I thought I would give it a try.

The last thing I really need is some volume in my hair but I liked the Organic label and wanted to give it a shot. 
Why are Organic hair products good for you?  According to Renpure:

Better for the enviroment

It's a basic fact that the more you process and alter a substance, the more energy you waste and pollution you produce. This is one of the big benefits of organic hair care products. Because the ingredients forgo chemicals and stick with nature, they simply create less damage to the environment. They also tend to be better for washing down the drain, more biodegradable in landfills and safer for animals on either water or land.

Better for personal health

By skipping harsh chemicals, organic hair products are simply better for your body. Every single thing you rub into your skin or coat your hair with goes into your body. Even hair conditioner can rub off on your skin and leave a residue. Good or bad, this chemical-laden residue is processed by the body. The overall effects of this chemical build-up in our bodies are what cause potential medical issues.

Better for hair health

Whatever product you use on your hair will effect your hair, obviously. This is not only true is the short term, but in the long term as well. Though the newest chemical-ridden hair product may produce shine or curl in the short term, regular use usually causes long term damage. However, organic hair products avoid harsh elements, gradually nourishing your hair to its healthiest state. That healthy hair look comes from actual healthy hair.

Reduces Chemical Exposure

Conspiracy theory.... ? Not really. It's more like trying to make a buck without any concern for the well being of the average consumer. That's been the mind set of many companies out there selling personal care products still today. It sickens us... literally. So we as a family have decided to do something about it. We've developed a new line of hair care products FREE from potentially harmful ingredients such as Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Propylene Glycol, Parabens, DEA, TEA, colors and dyes. We've been in this industry for a long time and we’ve made some pretty important changes. It is our hope that you will take the time to learn more about this and make a conscious decision to reduce your exposure and your family's exposure to synthetic chemicals.
The label on the front of the shampoo and conditioner read the same thing.  I could get a better focused image of the conditioner bottle so that's the one I am posting.  As you can see the product claims to be made with 100% certified organic extracts.  There are also NO sulfates, parabens, color or dyes in the product! They also do not test their products on animals. That last two lines are what ultimately sold me on the decision to purchase these products.  I have been on a search for a sulfate free shampoo that I really like and that doesn't break the bank. 

I have been using this shampoo and conditioner for a few weeks now and I have to say I don't love the products.  I don't hate them either.  I just notice no drastic difference in my hair, which is fine I'd rather no change than a change for the worse (like greasy hair).  I love the smell of them.  It's a very crisp, clean, almost citrusy smell. 
Overall, I do like the product somewhat.  Would I repurchase again?  Only if the product was marked down like it was this time.  The price tag on these are $6.99 a piece.  Kroger had them marked down to $2.09.  If I could buy them again for that price I'd probably strongly consider it, but at $6.99, the product just didn't wow me enough. 

Have you ladies ever tried Renpure products?  What did you think? 

1 comment:

  1. Always be careful when purchasing organic care products, though. Unless the product has a government seal for being certified organic, or has a stamp that says it's 100 percent organic, it probably contains chemicals. Many natural and organic products have a majority of healthy ingredients, with some very nasty chemical ingredients mixed in
